Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 32
Rev. 3/2022
4215-HS Indicator
@123 Calibrate Mass 1 Command entered
Ready for mV/V Value CMVV1 or CE command
The CE or Calibration Escape command will, if entered, end this calibration without calibrating the unit. The
unit will remain calibrated according to the most recent calibration or, if this is the first calibration of the unit,
the unit will remain uncalibrated.
At this point the unit is prompting the user for the first milli-volt per volt value of the calibration. The mV/V val
ue is entered using the Calibration by mV/V Volt Command with the following format: CMVV1(mV/V value)#.
@123 Calibrate mV/V 1 Command entered
Ready for Mass Value CMVM2 or CE command
The unit will continue to prompt the user for mass and milli-volt per volt values until the five points have been
entered. Then the user will see the following acknowledgement:
@123 Calibrate mV/V 5 Command entered
Ready for Mass Value CMVM0 or CE command
The user must now enter the CMVM0 command to finish the calibration. Note the load cell should have no
masses on it at this point since a shunt calibration is run.