© MOOG 2019
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The Hydraulic Power Supply provides clean oil to the die gap
tooling actuator at a constant supply pressure. An accumulator
provides the peak flows that may be required. A water heat
exchanger ensures reasonable oil temperatures.
The Hydraulic Power Supply is normally used on first installa-
tions when the cleanliness condition of the blow molding ma-
chine’s hydraulic power supply is unknown or suspect.
A separate hydraulic power supply provides a reliable source
of clean oil for trouble free long term operation. A bypass filter
allows the oil to be continually cleaned and cooled.
The hydraulic power supply pressure output should be con-
nected directly to the input port of the high pressure filter at
the die gap tooling actuator or the servovalve manifold. The
actuator or manifold return line goes to the hydraulic power
supply return port.
1) Check for any damage to the hydraulic power supply and its parts.
2) Fill the tank through the breather filter with Shell/Tellus 68 or equivalent fluid.
3) Check the nitrogen gas pressure in the accumulator bladder. The pressure should be 35 bar or 66%
of the maximum system pressure, whichever is higher. Add nitrogen, if necessary.
4) Replace the filter elements with flushing elements. Store the original filter elements in a clean, very
clean plastic bag.
5) Connect the pressure and return lines to and from the tooling actuator assembly
6) Check the motor name plate for the correct line voltages and connect the motor to power. Start the
motor and check that it rotates in the proper direction.
7) Connect cooling water to the heat exchanger. The required water flow rate is 30 1/min at 2-3 bar.
8) Run the hydraulic power supply for at least 6 hours. Vary the flow rate and pressure to thoroughly
flush all chips and dirt into the filters. Monitor for leaks and repair.
9) Replace the flushing filter elements with the elements removed in step 4.
Figure 1-14 Hydraulic Power Supply