With use it is likely that various residues accumulate in the filter and with time obstruct the lower
drain duct.
To clean the filter, open the sterilizer door and remove the cap using a coin or another suitable
Then unscrew the union containing the filter.
Remove the filter from its holder and thoroughly clean it under a jet of running water, if necessary
using a sharp tool to remove any large foreign bodies (if possible use a jet of compressed air).
If it is impossible
to recover the filter, replace it with a new one.
Refit everything operating
in reverse order from removal and making sure
that you
screw the
union on in such a way that the drain holes
are positioned
at the level of the boiler wall
pRopeRly FIT The FIlTeR In ITS houSInG; FITTInG IT only paRTIally
may damaGe The ComponenT.
using a clean cloth, remove any residues from the bushing and the screw.
Lubricate the inside of the bushing on the sterilizer door with a film of the silicon-based grease
provided (as shown in the figure).
puT on SInGle-uSe GloVeS beFoRe applICaTIon.
eSSenTIally, The lubRICanT IS noT IRRITanT To The SkIn; neVeR-
TheleSS, IT may CauSe unpleaSanT eFFeCTS IF IT aCCIdenTally
ComeS InTo ConTaCT WITh The eyeS.
In CaSe oF ConTaCT WITh The eyeS, RInSe WITh abundanT WaTeR.
Boiler filter cleaning
Door lock lubrication