beFoRe peRFoRmInG oRdInaRy maInTenanCe, make SuRe ThaT The
poWeR Supply CoRd IS RemoVed FRom The maInS SoCkeT.
WheneVeR IT IS noT poSSIble, puT In oFF The exTeRnal bReakeR
oF The equIpmenT poWeR Supply lIne.
IF The exTeRnal bReakeR IS FaR aWay oR, aT any RaTe, noT VISIble
To The maInTaIneR, plaCe a WoRk In pRoGReSS SIGn on The
exTeRnal bReakeR aFTeR TuRnInG IT oFF.
Let’s now look at the various operations to be carried out.
To eliminate any traces of limestone, clean the chamber gasket and the door window with a
clean cotton cloth that has been soaked in a weak solution of water and vinegar (or a similar
product; verify the contents on the label before using).
dry the surfaces and remove any residues before using the device.
Clean all the external parts using a clean cotton cloth dampened with water and, possibly,
the addition of a neutral detergent.
dry the surfaces and remove any residue before using the device.
Clean the sterilization chamber, support and trays (and internal surfaces in general) with a
clean cotton cloth soaked in water and, possibly, the addition of a small amount of neutral
Carefully rinse with distilled water, taking care not to leave any type of residue in the chamber
or on accessories.
do noT uSe poInTed oR ShaRp ToolS To RemoVe SCale FRom The
STeRIlIzaTIon ChambeR. Should TheRe be eVIdenT depoSITS, Im-
medIaTely CheCk The qualITy oF The dISTIlled WaTeR uSed (See
appendIx TeChnICal FeaTuReS).
For the occasional disinfection of the external surfaces, you can use either denatured alcohol
or detergents with a minimum percentage of sodium hypochlorite (or equivalent).
Clean gasket and porthole
Clean external surfaces
Clean sterilization chamber
and accessories
Disinfect external surfaces