The test device (in accordance with EN 867-5 specifications) consists of a 1.5m-long PTFE tube
with an inside diameter of 2mm to whose end a small hermetically-sealed screw cap is fastened,
able to contain an appropriate chemical indicator. The other end of the tube is left free so that the
steam can penetrate and you can assess its effectiveness.
To conduct the test (with reference to en 13060), insert the chemical indicator (consisting of a
paper strip with a special reagent ink) in the device cap (always to be used perfectly dry). Tighten
the cap in such a way that seepage through the gasket is not possible.
The TeST deVICe and The ChemICal IndICaToRS To exeCuTe The
helIx/bd TeST CyCle aRe noT pRoVIded WITh The STeRIlIzeR. FoR
InFoRmaTIon In ThIS ReGaRd, ConTaCT CuSTomeR SeRVICe (See ap-
place the device roughly in the middle of the central tray.
Do not
insert other material in the cham-
ber. Close the door and start the cycle.
The test cycle takes place with a succession of phases similar to those described for a normal
sterilization cycle.
at the end of the cycle, remove the test device from the chamber, open the cap and remove the
indicator from its housing.
If the steam has correctly penetrated, the ink will have completely changed its original colour
over the entire length of the strip; if not (insufficient penetration), there will only be a partial colour
change or even no change at all.
noRmally, The ColouR ChanGeS FRom a lIGhT ColouR (beIGe,
yelloW, eTC.) To a daRk ColouR (blue, VIoleT oR blaCk). In any
eVenT, STRICTly FolloW The InSTRuCTIonS and any addITIonal
TeChnICal deTaIlS pRoVIded by The IndICaToR manuFaCTuReR.