obey the following warnings for the correct operation of the device and/or to avoid
risky situa-
Install the sterilizer on a flat and perfectly horizontal surface.
– make sure that the support surface is strong enough to support the equipment weight (about
60 kg);
– leave adequate space for ventilation (at least 10 cm on each side) all around the sterilizer,
especially in back.
– If the device is built-in to a cabinet, be sure to respect the warnings in the preceding paragraph,
avoiding an obstructions to the air intake;
– do not install the sterilizer near tubs, sinks or similar places, to avoid contact with water or
liquids. This could cause short circuits and/or potentially dangerous situations for the operator;
– do not install the sterilizer in a place that is
excessively humid
or poorly ventilated;
– do not install the machine were there is
or inflammable and/or explosive
– Install the device so that the power cord is not bent or crushed. It must run freely all the way
to the socket.
Install the device that any external fill/drain tubing is
not bent or crushed. They must run freely
to the drain tank.
The sterilizer's must be connected to a socket of the electrical system of adequate capacity for
the device's absorption and ground provided, in conformity with current laws and/or standards.
The socket must be suitably protected by a breaker having the following characteristics:
– nominal current In
16 A
– differential current I
0,03 A
The manuFaCTuReR WIll noT be lIable FoR damaGeS CauSed by
InSTallInG The STeRIlIzeR on an InadequaTe eleCTRICal SySTem
and/oR noT equIpped WITh a GRound.
alWayS ConneCT The poWeR CoRd dIReCTly To The SoCkeT. do
noT uSe exTenSIon CoRdS, adapTeRS oR oTheR aCCeSSoRIeS.