Infrastructure Requirements and Layout Planning
LTE 700 MHz MobileAccessVE Instant Coverage Solution User Manual
Infrastructure Requirements
Ethernet standards specify that the maximum distance between an Ethernet switch and an
appliance (computer, WLAN AP, etc) should not exceed 100m (300ft). Therefore, when VE
shares the IT LAN, the maximum distance for a given cable run cannot be longer than 100m
(300ft) between the Ethernet switch and appliance, including all patch cords (from switch to
VCU, from VCU to patch panel, from RJ-45 outlet to VAP, and from VAP to appliance).
Typically the horizontal cabling system will be connected to patch-panels in the communication
rooms. The entire cabling system, including the patch panels and patch cords, should adhere to
the CAT-5e/6 standard. Specifically all pairs of the CAT-5e cable should be wired in the patch
panels and patch cords.
1. IDF/Telco closet space for one or more VCUs depending on the number and locations of the
installed VCUs: (48.3cm x 51.3cm x 8.88cm) per VCU.
Note: When planning the IDF/Telco shaft, take the RF equipment (picocell/microcell or BDA)
and the VCU into consideration.
2. 350 Watts of AC power to the VCU IDF/Telco closet.
3. Building infrastructure:
CAT-5e/6 cabling, Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
24 AWG minimum diameter for CAT-5e cabling
Dedicated CAT-6/7 STP cable from Master VCU to Slave VCUs with run lengths NOT
exceeding 100m (300ft) and no shorter than 10m (33ft).
CAT-5e/6 STP cable from VCU to each VAP with run lengths NOT exceeding 100m
(300ft) and no shorter than 10m (33ft). VAPs can be connected over existing CAT-5e/6
cabling infrastructure and existing Ethernet jacks without affecting the LAN.
Note: Verify with the IT department that the existing cables can support the VE installation.
If available, review the infrastructure documentation to determine cable types and lengths.
If the infrastructure documentation is not available, attempt to visually identify the cable
type. Depending on the cable vendor, the cable type may be listed on the cable sheath. It is
recommended to use a Fluke cable tester to measure the cable length of the most remote
4. Master VCU Cable Connections:
(2) N-type female, 50 ohm interfaces to carrier equipment
(Up to 12) RJ-45 interfaces to Slave VCUs and/or VAPs
(1) RJ-45 interface to Management
(1) D-Type 9 pins RS-232 interface for local craft
(1) D-Type 15 pins interface for External Alarms (dry contacts)
5. Slave VCU Cable Connections:
(1) RJ-45 interface to Master VCU (Not used in small single-tier deployments)
(12) RJ-45 interfaces to VAPs
(12) RJ-45 interfaces to Ethernet Switch for LAN service
(1) D-Type 9 pins RS-232 interface for local craft