HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
PC and Instrument on different IP ranges
You can use Process Eye’s Device Manager to check on the current IP address
status of both the host PC and the instrument.
Start DEVICE MANGER, highlight the instrument, click the CONFIGURE button and
choose CHANGE THE IP ADDRESS from the list.
You can see in the dialog below, that the IP address of the instrument differs from
the IP address of the host computer.
In this example, the host PC will not be able to communicate with the instrument
while the two IP addresses are in different ranges.
There are two options. Change the IP address of the host PC, or change the IP
address of the instrument.
To change the IP address of the instrument, overtype the current address with the
new one.
Note: If the host PC is part of your network, then changing its IP address is not
recommended without seeking advice from your IT staff. Likewise, assigning a new
IP address to the instrument must be done under advice or network conflicts could