HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
7.10 Ion source, replacing and cleaning
The HPQ2-IP analyser design permits the removal of the ion source as one
complete assembly which can be replaced or cleaned as an assembly. The ion
source automatically aligns on the main analyser assembly allowing it to be easily
replaced without the need for any special jigs.
7.11 Removing the Ion Source
Once again you are advised to get the necessary tools together before you start this
job. It really does make life simpler.
Tools required:
A small jewellers screwdriver (2mm)
A pair of tweezers
A small pair of smooth jawed needle nosed pliers
A 0.89mm (0.035") Allen key
A pair of clean cotton gloves
A clean bench on which to work
An Ohmmeter
A clean container in which to put small parts
Replacement filament(s)
Replacement source parts if necessary
A pen and paper on which to make notes and sketches
Some method of holding the analyser in an upright position, a small vice is ideal.
1. Remove the analyser from the vacuum system, place it on the bench in an
upright position, secure it in a vice if you prefer.
2. Remove the filament assembly as described on Page 31.
3. Locate the three barrel connectors attached to three of the plates which form
part of the ion source. Undo the screws on these barrel connectors 1 to 1½ turns.
4. Undo the two very small socket set (Allen) screws that are positioned in the side
of the source mounting collar at the base of the source assembly. These may be
partially obscured by connecting wires.
5. The source is now free from the rest of the assembly and can be removed and
placed onto the bench.