HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
5. Control Unit Installation
5.1 Connecting the Control Unit to the Analyser
Before installing the HPQ2-IP control unit find the 4mm AF Allen key shipped with
the instrument. It will either be in the toolbox or attached to the control unit.
The following instructions must be observed to ensure
the instrument complies with the Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive (EMC Regulations).
Also, the performance of the instrument may be de-
graded in terms of noise immunity if the following
instructions are not observed.
Using the 4mm Allen key slacken the bolt on the clamping ring on the RF/analyser
connector so that the clamping ring is loose and free to move easily.
Rotate the clamping ring on the RF/analyser connector so that the slot (which will
be directly below the threads of the M5 socket set screw) lines up with the keyway
on the connector tube. Hold the HPQ2-IP control unit so that the keyway lines up
with the locating key on the analyser flange.
Gently slide the control unit on to the analyser. TAKE GREAT CARE the pins on the
vacuum feedthrough are easily damaged. DO NOT force the control unit on to the
When all of the pins are engaged, push the control unit firmly onto the analyser to
ensure electrical continuity. The last 3mm (1/8”) is important. When correctly fitted
the front face of the RF/analyser connector should butt up against the analyser
Using the 4mm Allen key tighten the socket set screw on the clamping ring. The
socket set screw should be tightened sufficiently so that the whole unit is rigidly
secured to the analyser.
If any problems arise due to electromagnetic emissions from this unit, first check
the tightness of this clamp.