HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
If it is not already clean then clean the gasket with suitable solvent and dry it. Slip
the gasket over the quadrupole structure and set it in the grooves of the flange
Carefully insert the analyser into the vacuum chamber ensuring that you do not
allow the leads to touch the walls of the vacuum chamber. Make sure the gasket
does not slip part way out of its slot as you push the two flanges together.
Rotate the flange until the locating key on the feedthrough housing tube is as close
to 9 o'clock as the bolt holes will allow. This will ensure that the HPQ2-IP control
unit is in its preferred position, although, it can be mounted in any orientation. The
HPQ2-IP will be more susceptible to drift in the location and height of peaks if it is
mounted in a different orientation to that described above and it may not meet its
published specification.
Bolt the feedthrough flange to the vacuum chamber flange using the torque
appropriate for the gasket material used.
Please do not throw shipping cover or the two piece foam packing surrounding it
away. If at a future date you need to return the analyser for service it is vital it is
shipped in its original packaging to avoid potentially very expensive damage.