HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
Tools required
Here is a list of the tools and equipment you will require. We recommend that you
assemble the following items before you start. Remember that the instrument was
supplied with a tool kit, which contained some of the things you will need.
A small jewellers screwdriver (2mm)
A pair of tweezers
A small pair of smooth jawed needle nosed pliers
A pair of clean cotton gloves
A clean bench on which to work
An Ohmmeter
A clean container in which to put small parts
Replacement filament
Some method of holding the analyser securely in an upright position, a
small vice is ideal.
A pen and paper on which to make notes and sketches
As the HPQ2-IP is very small it is not really necessary to hold it in a vice as long as
you are reasonable careful.
*** Always wear cotton gloves when working on the analyser ***
7.8 Removing the Filaments
1. Remove the analyser from the vacuum chamber making sure you do not touch
any of the exposed surfaces. Place the analyser on the bench so that the ion source
is uppermost, secure it in a vice if you prefer take care not to over tighten the jaws.
2. The filament assembly is located at the very top of the analyser and the electrical
connections are made by two barrel connectors. Make a note of the orientation of
the barrel connectors.
3. Hold one of the barrel connectors firmly with your pliers and slacken both screws
undoing them 1 to 1½ turns. Lift away the barrel connector and put it in your
4. Repeat step 3 to remove the other barrel connector.
5. Remove the two M1.6 x 3 slotted pan head screws which hold the filament
assembly in place on the ion source and put them in your container. This is easily
done if you carefully undo the screw fully, then, lift it away using your tweezers.
6. Make a note of which way round the filament assembly is fitted onto the ion
source then lift away the filament assembly.