Type of inspection and maintenance works
4 Maintenance and Inspection
4 Maintenance and Inspection
The maintenance and inspection procedures to be carried out to use the robot for a long time without trouble
are described in this chapter.
4.1 Type of inspection and maintenance works
Maintenance and inspection are divided into the inspections carried out daily, and the periodic inspections
carry out at set intervals. Always carry these out to prevent unforeseen trouble, to maintain the product for a
long time, and to secure safety.
lists the type of inspection and maintenance works.
Table 4-1: Type of inspection and maintenance works
Type of inspection and
maintenance works
Operating time
Note1) The operating hours assume the robot operation of 15 hours per day for 20 days per month.
When the robot operates for 8 hours per day, the operating hours per month become about a half
of the one under the above condition. Then, the monthly inspection is required every two months.
To check the periodic inspection schedule and calculate the operating hours, refer to
Daily inspection
Inspection works to be performed every day before start-
ing operation for the safe use of the robot.
Monthly inspection
Inspection and maintenance works to be performed
every month.
Every 300hr