miDoor: revision 0.01
Installation and Reference
© Mission Machines, Inc., 2012
Alarm Configuration
Alarms are conditions that are tracked. If a specified condition is seen (triggered) then several
possible actions may happen.
When an alarm is triggered the alarm indicator on the front cover will flash red and remain
flashing for 15-minutes after the alarm condition occurred. The alarm indicator will stop
flashing after 15-minutes and will remain a solid red for an additional 45-miuntes (or one hour
after the most recent alarm was triggered.)
If the alarm was configured to generate emails then every user account that is marked as an
administrator will receive an email with information about the alarm. To receive emails, user
accounts must be marked as an administrator, the user must have a valid email address
configured, the email module must be properly configured (see Email Configuration), there
must be an active internet connection from miDoor to the internet, and the alarm must have
email notifications enabled.