miDoor: revision 0.01
Installation and Reference
© Mission Machines, Inc., 2012
In addition, if a triggered alarm was configured to ‘Ring Buzzer’ then the internal buzzer will
make a sound. The buzzer will cycle on for 1-minute and turn off for 30-seconds. The buzzer
will repeat this cycle for 15-minutes, or while the alarm is active.
There are three types of alarms:
User Watch
Triggers an alarm when a specified user operates the garage door.
Opened Too Long
Triggers an alarm if the door is left opened longer than a configurable time.
Blackout Time
Triggers an alarm if the door is opened during a specified time period.
To add an alarm, press the ‘Add New Alarm’ link and then select the alarm type you wish to
create from the ‘Alarm Trigger’ field.
The fields that are configurable for the selected alarm type will be black and those not
applicable will be greyed.
Next configure the appropriate selections such as ‘Ring Buzzer’, ‘Email Administrators’ and so
on. Once all of the parameters are set push the ‘Add Alarm’ button. The alarm will be created
and saved.
To edit or delete an alarm first select an alarm already created, make any desired changes,
and then press either the ‘Update Alarm’ or the ‘Delete Alarm’ buttons.
Please note that if there is an active alarm, indicated by a flashing red light, it can be made in-
active by depressing the main button on the miDoor device for 5-seconds.