miDoor: revision 0.01
Installation and Reference
© Mission Machines, Inc., 2012
Locate the garage door opener’s control button and verify that it has two wires coming from the
main unit of the garage door opener. Some time the wires are routed on the surface of the wall
and sometimes they are routed behind the wall. See Figure 4 (Routed Control Wires).
Next locate a suitable location to mount miDoor. This can be where the existing control button
is located or in nearby location. The wires to the existing control button will have to reach the
miDoor device.
In addition, miDoor requires power so you will also need to find a power outlet that the power
supply for miDoor can be plugged into.
miDoor mounts to the garage wall using high-strength Velcro. The wall that miDoor attaches to
must be clear of debris and residue and have a suitable surface for the adhesive tape to bond
Before removing the existing garage door opener’s control button or installing miDoor make
sure that miDoor is not powered on and that the garage door opener is powered off. You will
have to remove the plug to the garage door opener to turn it off.
Tools Needed
Screw drivers to disconnect the existing garage door opener’s control button from the
wall and to remove the wires.
Wire stripper
A Wi-Fi enabled PC with a WEB-browser capable of supporting adhoc mode.
Device Installation
Installation of the miDoor device requires:
That the original garage door opener control button is replaced with the miDoor device
That a magnetic sensor (included) be added to the garage door,
That a cable (included) be added from the installed magnetic sensor to the miDoor
And that a power supply (included) is plugged in and connected to the miDoor device.