Setting up the Pi5500
When you have configured the port options, choose another port type, or choose Exit
Port Setup and proceed to Protocol Setup.
Protocol Setup options
AppleTalk Zone
List of zones
The Pi5500 searches the network for AppleTalk zones in your network segment. Scroll
through the list to select the AppleTalk zone in which you want the Pi5500 to appear.
If your segment has only one zone, the Pi5500 is assigned to that zone automatically.
The message “No AppleTalk zone found” may mean your network has no zones, or the
network cable is not connected (see page 5-4). Choose OK.
To configure the Pi5500, choose each protocol and enter the settings for that protocol.
You can enable AppleTalk, TCP/IP, and IPX/SPX communication simultaneously.
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
AppleTalk Setup
Enable AppleTalk
Yes/No [Yes]
Select Yes if you have an AppleTalk network connected to the Pi5500. This setting
enables the Pi5500 to communicate over AppleTalk networks.
Exit Protocol Setup
AppleTalk Setup
TCP/IP Setup
Protocol Setup