mi niDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and speci fi cations subject to change wi thout pri or noti ce
One or two output control strips are shown in the user interface, depending on the amplifier mode. The two
plugins (48k and 96k) have a slightly different set of buttons.
Channel label
The name of the output channel is shown at the top of the channel strip. To rename the channel, click on the
channel label and type a new name (up to eight characters).
Gain adjustment and level monitoring
The gain of each output channel can be adjusted by moving the Gain adjustment slider, or by using the
keyboard Up and Down arrows (after placing the focus on the slider – see
). The maximum
gain setting is 12 dB and the minimum gain setting is –72 dB. (0 dB is unity gain or no change in signal level.)
The current signal level displays in two locations: on the bar-graph meter, and as a numeric value (in dB relative
to full scale) underneath the bar-graph meter.
Processing blocks
Each output channel has a parametric EQ block with six parametric filters and a compressor/limiter. The 96k
plugin has an IIR crossover block, while the FIR plugin has an FIR filter block.
for full details on these processing blocks.