mi niDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and speci fi cations subject to change wi thout pri or noti ce
Parametric EQ advanced mode
In the parametric EQ blocks, advanced mode allows each individual filter to be speci fied by its
coefficients. After pasting in the biquad coefficients, click on the Process button for them to take
Parametric EQ file import
Six filters can be set at once by importing a coefficient file from Room EQ Wizard (REW). See
Crossover advanced mode (96k plugin only)
Each Crossover block has eight biquads. In Basic mode, this provides high pass and low pass
filters of up to 48 dB/octave. In Advanced mode, all eight biquads need to be specified. After
pasting in the biquad coefficients, click on the Process button for them to take effect.
Biquad calculation spreadsheet
The community-developed biquad calculation spreadsheet allows more filter types to be calculated, including
notch filters, Linkwitz transforms, and filters with arbitrary Q-factor. Access this spreadsheet here (requires
Microsoft Excel):
In the spreadsheet, each page has an Fs parameter. Be sure to set this to the correct sample rate for the plugin
you are using – either 48 kHz or 96 kHz.
Room EQ Wizard (REW)
Room EQ Wizard is a free acoustic measurement and analysis tool, available for Windows, Mac and Linux
platforms. It includes the ability to automatically generate a bank of parametric EQ biquads based on a