mi niDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and speci fi cations subject to change wi thout pri or noti ce
(The version number “105” may be different.)
You can see in the above list the name of the firmware file, pwr-ice2_v3_2.hex (the version number “v3_2” may
change). Now type the following sequence of commands. Instead of “” type the number revealed in
the instructions above, and be sure also to type the correct firmware file name:
tftp put pwr-ice2_v3_2.hex
Transfer successful, 2765400 bytes in 12 second(s), 23045 bytes/s
While the firmware is downloading, the orange LED of the Ethernet jack will light. The download should take
about ten to twenty seconds.
Power off the amplifier, wait a few seconds, and then power it on again. You can n ow proceed to use it as
To load firmware using Mac OS X requires that you use the Terminal program (located in the
Applications/Utilities folder). In the examples that follow, black text is the “prompt” printed by Terminal, blue
text is text typed in by you, and red text is the program output.
It is important that you type exactly as shown including characters like “.” and “/” where noted. Press
the Tab key after typing the first two characters of any filename, to activate auto-completion.
Assuming that the unzipped download is in the Downloads folder on your Mac, you can type:
mac:~ me$
cd Downloads/PWR_ICE2_2x2_105/firmware/
mac:firmware me $
mac: firmware me $
(The version number “105” may be different.)
You can see in the above list the name of the firmware file, pwr-ice2_v3_2.hex (the version number “v3_2” may
change). Now type the following sequence of commands. Instead of “” type the number revealed in
the generic instructions above, and be sure also to type the correct firmware file name:
mac:firmware me$
rexmt 1
timeout 60
put pwr-ice2_v3_2.hex
Sent 276540 bytes in 15.8 seconds
mac:firmware $
While the firmware is downloading, the orange LED of the Ethernet jack will light. The download should take
about ten to twenty seconds.
Power off the amplifier, wait a few seconds, and then power it on again. You can now proceed to use it as