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The Switch should be placed where it is triggered
near the end of the X travel without being in the
way of the Y switch. You can use spiral wrap
(described in a later step) to secure the X axis switch
wire to the cables coming from the X drag chain.
This will secure it up and out of the way, preventing
it from fouling the Y switch.
Plugging in Wires
Wire management bag
None (all items already installed)
Snips to cut zip ties
Set the control box with the fan side down. Be
careful not to stress the bracket holding the cable
chain end that you installed previously.
The blue wire on each motor should be closest to
the MillRight logo on the interface board
. See the
picture to the right.
There are ports labelled Y1 and Y2. Either Y motor
can plug into either port.
The homing switches plug in next to the motor
switches. You must make sure you plug the correct
switch into the appropriately labelled port, but the
direction does not matter on these.