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Remove the nut from the end to the Z homing
switch(the only button style homing switch).
Discard the lock washer. Place the Z homing
switch through the hole to the left (if looking at
the machine from the front) of the Z motor.
Thread the nut back on the Z switch. Hold the
switch in place and use some needle nose pliers
to tighten the nut on the switch.
The X and Y switches will be roller switches. The
X will be the long roller
switch and the
Y will be
the short roller switch.
Both switches will go on the L brackets as
pictured. Use (2) M3x16 machine screws, place
through the holes on the black side of the homing
switch, through the L bracket, and secure with (2)
M3 nylock nuts. Repeat the process with the
other homing switch.
Remove the top M5x16 machine screw from the
anti-backlash nut on the rear of the X Plate.