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OM-254915 Page 39
6-5. Synergic MIG Mode
Ref. 242 929-C
Lit Indicators
Synergic MIG Mode is a convenient
and helpful extension to regular
MIG mode. In Synergic MIG mode,
the voltage is calculated as a
function of the wire feed speed.
Therefore, as the user adjusts the
wire feed speed up and down the
voltage tracks up and down to keep
these values in the ideal welding
condition. Additionally, if the user
desires more or less voltage, it can
be adjusted within a limited window.
The newly adjusted low or high
voltage will be maintained when the
wire feed speed is adjusted, so if
the user likes the voltage a little
higher, it will stay a little higher as
the user changes the wire feed
speed. All major setup is the same
as MIG mode with the exception of
the process selection. Following
the second setup button press
select the “SNRG” “MIG” process
for Synergic MIG Mode.