Last update: 2018/04/30 18:00 mididocs:seq:beginners_guide:start
Printed on 2019/10/22 16:44
simultaneously. The first two pages of a mixer map define, first, the output port on which the
message for each of the 16 slots is sent, and second, the MIDI channel on which the message for each
slot is sent. The default value for Port is 'Def.', i.e. the setting is taken from the MIDI Router page (see
section 2.1.2. or Appendix 3). The default MIDI channel is '# 1' for the first slot, '# 2' for the second,
and so on.
The Port and MIDI channel are the foundational settings for each mixer map slot, without which the
messages won't be sent to the right place; they don't send any command by themselves, they just set
the conduit for the commands from the other pages. For example, if you've set track G1T1 to play a
synthesizer connected to OUTPUT1 on MIDI channel 5 (settings made on the track's EVENT page), you
should set one of the slots on the mixer map page to that port and that MIDI channel to send a
message from the mixer map to that synthesizer. While you're on the MIXER page, the port and
channel for the slot in the current cursor position will always be visible in the upper right corner of the
right LCD.
Once Port and MIDI channel are in order, the actual messages that you can send are:
Page 3: Program Change
Page 4: Volume
Page 5: Panorama (“Pan”)
Page 6: Reverb
Page 7: Chorus
Page 8: Modulation wheel
Page 9: Freely assignable CC (CC1)
Page 10: Freely assignable CC (CC2)
Page 11: Freely assignable CC (CC3)
Page 12: Freely assignable CC (CC4)
The freely assignable CCs for pages 9–12 are the standard MIDI CCs.
While on the MIXER place, pressing & holding SELECT brings up a utility menu. GPB2 and GPB4
('Copy', 'Clr') copy and clear the current mixer map, and GPB3 ('Paste') pastes a previously copied
mixer map into the current one. GPB7 saves the current mixer map, and and GPB6 allows you to load
a previously saved map. GPK1 switches between the 127 possible mixer maps in the session.
Switching away from the current map will erase any unsaved changes. GPB16 allows you to name the
current mixer map.
There are four ways to send mixer map commands to their destinations.
The easiest way is to press a GP button under an entry. Pressing the GP button will simply send once
the values or commands in the whole “stack” of slots (i.e. commands from page 3, page 4 etc.). The
second option is available in the utility menu: 'Dump' (GPB8) will send all the commands in the 16
slots of all 10 command pages to the ports and MIDI channels set for each “stack” of slots. The third
option can be enabled in the mixer utility menu (press & hold SELECT): LiveSend can be set 'on' or
'off'. If LiveSend is 'on', the values in the slots of all pages in the current mixer map will be active all
the time, and all changes will be updated immediately. For example, mixer page 4 (Volume) could be
used as a centralised volume control for all your MIDI equipment.
The fourth way to send mixer map values is on the SONG page, as a song position action ('Mixer
Map #').