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PROFINET, Documentation
optoNCDT 1900 / Profinet
modules in subslots. When a submodule is placed in a subslot, the parameters of the submodule are selected for cyclic process data
transfer. A submodule contains at least one parameter..
The ILD1900-x-IE with PROFINET dynamically adapts to the module configuration that you have made in the PLC. You can reconfigure
the module by rebooting the sensor.
The ILD1900-x-IE with PROFINET
- defines 8 different input modules
- each containing 6 submodules.
The 8 input modules can only be placed in slot 1, which means that only one module can be selected at a time. When choosing an in-
put module you decide for a kind of oversampling. Oversampling 1 to 8 are available for selection. Oversampling is a mechanism that
allows you to have the sensor measure faster than the bus cycle. Process data is collected in the sensor over several measurement
cycles and written to the process data frame one after the other. With oversampling, a process data frame thus contains the same
parameter several times from different measurement cycles. With an oversampling of, e.g. 3, the process data frame contains each
parameter of a submodule 3 times >>Verweis. The further forward a parameter is in the process data frame, the older the parameter
is in time. With RT operation, it is therefore possible with oversampling to have the sensor measure at a maximum measurement fre-
quency of 10 kHz, although the sensor itself only supports bus cycles of 1 kHz.
Name of input module
Number of submodules Oversampling
Size of process data in bytes
Oversampling 1 Input
4 to 36
Oversampling 2 Input
8 to 72
Oversampling 3 Input
12 to 108
Oversampling 4 Input
16 to 144
Oversampling 5 Input
20 to 180
Oversampling 6 Input
24 to 216
Oversampling 7 Input
28 to 252
Oversampling 8 Input
32 to 288
Fig. 29 Input modules available for selection
You must select at least 1 submodule per module. The submodules can be placed anywhere in subslot 1 to 6. If you select a submod-
ule with a larger oversampling than 1, the parameters of a submodule are transmitted several times in succession.