Quick Start Guide
76-02-087 Rev D
57 of 61
5.5.4 Location
The location is the SNMP MIB-2 system SysLocation parameter. By default this entry is
blank. The parameter may be up to 255 characters and should be configured to reflect the
actual installation requirements.
5.5.5 Managers
To enable access to the WCM1800 using SNMP, specific manager addresses must be
configured. Once a Manager is assigned, the WCM1800 will respond to polls and
generate traps for that manager. The WCM1800 supports up to 10 configured Network
Management Stations.
The Add Manager Menu is as below:
The IP address is the IP address of the assigned Network Management Station.
The Access Rights supported are:
No Access
Read Only
Only SNMP GET access is allowed
SNMP GET/SET access allowed
The Receive Traps parameter determines whether, under alarm conditions, Traps should
be sent to this Network Manager.