Quick Start Guide
76-02-087 Rev D
15 of 61
4 Quick Start Configuration
The following guide gives a simple, quick start introduction to configuring the WCM1800
for Normal Mode operation as shown in section 2.1
4.1 Access the WCM1800
Initial access to the WCM1800 is made using the Terminal Port on the rear panel of the
unit. The Terminal port defaults to 19200baud, 8bit, No Parity 1 Stop Bit. The 9 Way D-
Type is configured as a DCE port with standard pinout.
4.2 Logging onto WCM1800
The initial access to the WCM1800 must use a terminal connected to the terminal port.
The WCM1800 has a password protected, menu driven user interface. When a
management session is connected to the WCM1800, the welcome banner will be
displayed as shown:
Metrodata WCM1800:
Local connection to “”
Password (‘view’ to view only ) :
At the prompt, enter the password to gain access to the WCM1800.
The default password is product specific as below:
default password
default password
default password
For security, the password is obscured with an asterisk (*) being displayed for each
character typed. An incorrect password will lead to the welcome banner being
redisplayed. A correct password will lead onto the main set up menu as shown below:
Throughout this manual, the Telnet VT100 emulation user screens will be displayed.