Quick Start Guide
76-02-087 Rev D
39 of 61
5.2.3 SFP Port
The SFP port configuration menu is accessed via the data port set up menu and is as
shown below: SFP Type
This display item indicates the type of SFP fitted. This value is read from the SFP device
itself and is a decode of the interface type bytes according to the SFP MSA definition.
Metrodata supplied SFP devices will indicate the SFP type, however some lower cost,
lower quality SFP devices may not be correctly programmed an will indicate “UNKNOWN”
as the device type cannot be determined.
If no SFP is fitted, this will show “NOT FITTED” State
This setting defines the administrative state of the port and may be UP or DOWN. When
the state is DOWN, no alarm processing is performed. If an SFP is not fitted, it is
important to change this state to DOWN to prevent the SFP MAJOR alarm being
generated. Link State
When the SFP is fitted, this displays the operational state of the link and also may be UP
or DOWN.