U.motion Client Touch 7
Technical Manual
The following pages show how to correctly configure the U.motion Communication app.
In order to use at least the minimal functionality of the app, the settings regarding the VoIP registration (the
first 5 settings) have to be configured correctly. In the connection it will already be possible to reach other
members of the VoIP Server / to receive calls from other members.
The 5 settings in detail:
Enter VoIP Server IP
In this field the IP address of the targeted VoIP Server must be entered.
Enter VoIP Username
The username that has to be inserted in this field previously needs to be created
on VoIP Server side. If a U.motion device is used as VoIP Server, you will have to
create an internal unit for the U.motion Client Touch 7 in the corresponding
configuration menu on the server. More information regarding this topic can be
found in the manual of the server.
Enter VoIP Password
The VoIP password must be the one you have set during the creation of the
corresponding user on the VoIP Server.
Enter VoIP Port
Defines the VoIP port, through which the VoIP Server accepts registrations
(normally ALWAYS „5060”, please change only in special cases).
Enable re-registration
If this option is enabled, an additional field named „Registration timeout“ will be
shown, which allows the input of a time period in minutes. After this timeout the
registration on the VoIP Server will be force-closed and renewed. TAKE CARE: this
option is not required in combination with U.motion devices and is therefore
disabled by default. Only when using certain third party systems (please check
out also the note below) this setting can be required in order to get correct
: the app U.motion Communication was designed for the use in combination with U.motion
devices. Since the app is based completely on the SIP standard, it will also be possible to use it
with arbitrary VoIP Servers. Nevertheless, the support for the app will only be granted when the
app is used in combination with a system defined as compatible.
As already mentioned, those 5 settings are enough to register on the VoIP Server and therefore to make calls
between the U.motion Client Touch 7 and other VoIP members. If also external units should be handled and
the video signals of cameras should be displayed, also the following settings have to be configured correctly.
The menu entry „Phonebook“ opens a sub menu that permits to configure up to 10 external units and 20
internal units. On top of the sub menu a drop down menu permits to switch between external and internal
units; furthermore, a help button that informs about the parameters to be set in this page and a back button
(that also works as saving button) are present. The area below those buttons can be scrolled vertically and
gives access to each of the external / internal units.