U.motion Client Touch 7
Technical Manual
Beneath the standard applications delivered by the default operating system (for example gallery, music
player,…), the following applications are installed:
Google Play Store (previously known as Android Market)
U.motion Access
U.motion Control
U.motion Communication
The single applications are explained more in details in the following chapters.
Compared to traditional Android systems with version 2.3.4, the customized version offers a navigation bar at
the bottom of the display (similar to the bar of Android 4.x), which should simplify and fasten the navigation
on the device. Find below a screenshot of the navigation bar:
The 3 keys within the navigation bar are (from left to right):
The BACK key in its functionality – depending on the active app – permits to return on the previously shown
page or to close the corresponding app.
The HOME key has the same functionality as the hardware HOME button and brings you back to the first
page of U.motion Access. The previously active app in this moment is brought to the background and
continues running (the HOME button / key do NOT terminate running apps).
If the HOME key is pressed some longer time, a pop-up window showing the recently opened apps will
appear. This allows a quick switching between different applications.
The MENU key functionality depends on the currently shown app and – if available – shows additional menu
and configuration options. The following screenshot shows an example of such a menu:
Furthermore, also the MENU key supports long-clicking: in this case it will show another pop-up window
which permits to turn off or reboot U.motion Client Touch 7: