Mellanox Grid Director 4700 Installation Manual
Screw kit
Grounding kit
Console cable
Power cables
Getting Started Short Guide – Mellanox Solution
CD with documentation and software utilities fastened on top of the Grid Director 4700
chassis wrapped in an antistatic bag.
Remove all of the accessories listed above and as well as the packing foam on top of the
Lift the Grid Director 4700 from the pallet and place it on a flat surface. Due to the weight
of the Grid Director 4700 chassis, two people are required to perform this.
Use the four handles at top of chassis to carry or move the unit.
Use safe lifting procedures when moving the unit to avoid personal injury.
Packing the Grid Director 4700 Switch
If you need to move the Grid Director 4700 switch to a different physical location, pack the
equipment according to the following procedure.
To pack the Grid Director 4700 chassis:
Insert the foam grip on the pallet.
Position the chassis on the foam. Verify that the two sFU-40H horizontal fan unit handles at
front of chassis point to the two niches in the bottom foam.
Place the foam plate then the top foam on top of the chassis. The foam protection padding
fits snugly over the chassis top.
Insert the accessories in the top foam dedicated locations.
Slide the cardboard box over the chassis and foam with the flaps facing up. Make sure it sits
well on the pallet indent
Fasten the box and secure it with the pallet using packing straps.
The packing list and part numbers (bar codes) are glued to the box. Safety labels are
printed on the box.