Appendix C: Tuning Your System
The subscripted n represent the sample period. The terms are defined:
Sn = Sn-1 + En if -Smax < Sn < Smax
Smax if Sn > Smax
-Smax if Sn < -Smax
On = DAC output
KR = overall scale factor
Kp = proportional gain
Kd = derivative gain
Ki = integral gain
Kv = velocity feed-forward
Ka = acceleration feed-forward
Ko = static DAC offset
Kf = friction feed-forward
En = position error
Mn = 0 or 1 based on the command velocity
Vn = command velocity
An = command acceleration * 2-6
Sn = integrated error
Smax = maximum integrated error
Each coefficient can be adjusted using the SETUP program and is explained in the following
C.2 Tuning Parameters
C.2.1 Proportional Gain (K
This term determines the overall response of a system to position errors. A low Proportional
Gain provides a system which is very stable (doesn't oscillate), has low stiffness and large
position errors under load. A high Proportional Gain provides high stiffness and small position
errors under load but may oscillate.
Typical gain values are 100-500 for velocity (voltage) controlled servos and 500-2000 for torque
(current) controlled servos. Closed loop step systems are similar to velocity controlled servos.
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