Chapter 5: MEI Software
The internal offset is set by the CONFIG.EXE program. Normal DAC offset after the CONFIG
program is run should be under 3 millivolts (which will not produce step pulses). Temperature
drift is approximately 1 millivolt per degree C.
Also, note that only positive values of offset will output steps, since the Voltage-to-Frequency
converter can only react to positive voltages. The range of values for the offset is +/- 32,767.
See appendix C, “Tuning Your System,” for more information on the offset.
Output Limit
This parameter is used to limit the controller output (analog voltage or pulse rate) during system
tuning. For servo motors, this term limits the analog output voltage. For step motors, this term
limits the step pulse output rate. The range for the output limit is 0 to 32,767. This range
corresponds to -10 volts to +10 volts for servos (i.e. 0.00305 volts/unit) or 0 to full scale pulse
rate for steps.
Shift Range
This parameter is used to shift the range of the tuning parameters. The shift factor multiplies or
divides all the filter parameters by a user specified power of two. For example, if the shift factor
= -3, then all the filter parameters will be divided by 8 (2
= 1/8). If the shift factor = 2, then all
the parameters will be multiplied by 4. This is useful for unusual motors such as air-bearing
motors, voice-coil actuators and hydraulics or other actuators. The default parameter is -5, i.e. a
multiplier of 2
or 1/32.
Friction Feed Forward
The friction feed forward term is used to add extra output during any commanded velocity to
reduce following error caused by friction. The range of values for the friction feed forward are 0
to 32,767.
See appendix C, “Tuning Your System,” for more information on setting friction feed forward
Axis Configuration Window
Figure 5-2. The Configure/Axis Configuration Window
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