Chapter 6: Motor Wiring
Board configurations with connection accessories are shown below. Note that all terminal
blocks include mounting feet for standard DIN rail.
Figure 6-2. DSPpro-VME Configuration with Connection Accessories
Axes 0-1
User I/O and
Analog Inputs (8)
Axes 2-3
Axes 4-5
Axes 6-7
Console COM
Figure 6-3. DSPpro-Serial Configuration with Connection Accessories
D S P p ro -V M E
C B L - 5 0
C B L - 2 6
C B L -2 0
D e d ic a te d a n d
U s e r I/O
M o to r a n d
E n c o d e r S ig n a ls
A n a lo g In p u ts
a n d C lo c k S ig n a ls
S T C -5 0
S T C -2 6
S T C -2 0
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