Chapter 5: MEI Software File Menu
menu contains the options described in detail below:
Option Description
Load Defaults from File
Loads values from disk into DSP boot memory (requests filename)
Save Defaults to File
Saves values in DSP boot memory to disk (prompts for filename)
DOS Shell
Shells to DOS
Displays the program version number
Terminates the program
Load Defaults from File
Selecting Load Defaults from
will read a disk file containing the firmware, which includes
the parameters for the PID filter, limit switch configurations, software limit configurations, etc.
The filename may be selected when the prompt appears.
Save Defaults to File
Selecting Save Defaults to File will write a disk file containing the firmware, PID parameters,
limit switch configurations, software limit configurations, etc. The filename may be selected
when the prompt appears. It is recommended that you store your configuration into a file after
configuring the board . Once stored on disk, the parameters can be easily downloaded to the
board in the future if necessary.
DOS Shell
This selection allows users to access the DOS command line without exiting the SETUP
program. Typing EXIT at the DOS prompt will return control to the SETUP program.
Displays the SETUP version number and date.
Exits the SETUP program. Note that on exit, motion will stop, but all configuration parameters
remain active.
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