Technical description
System description
The use of the SmartFuse 250 allows the low-voltage power supply to be safely
disconnected and automatically restored in the event of faults and overload. The
possibility to configure how often and how fast the power network is reconnected and to
be informed about any events increases the reliability and stability of the power supply
for consumers and minimises downtime.
To this end, the SFC250 is inserted into the fuse holder (sizes NH 2 and NH 3; fuse
value ≤250 A) in place of the normal NH fuse link. After successful installation a
configuration the SFC250 behaves similar to a normal fuse element. Unlike a normal
fuse, after being tripped, the SFC250 can switch the fused circuit back on if desired
(after a short wait).
The consumer does not, as is the case for classic fault location using high voltage, have
to be completely disconnected from the power supply network. This is often not even
possible, for example because the residents are not accessible, leading to a risk of
property damage to the household appliances and building wiring. Instead, the pre-
location of detected faults can be carried out under voltage either directly with the
internal location algorithm (optional) or with a reflectometer connected in parallel.
For pinpointing the fault position (with the help of a surge wave receiver or the Fault
Sniffer), the SmartFuse 250 can be switched to pulse mode, in which flash-overs are
continuously provoked at the fault location. Pulse mode can be started and stopped
from remote during pinpointing of the fault using a mobile device (GSM connection) or
the SFC250-RC remote control.
Alternative corrective actions, which require the use of a test van, can be scheduled with
some lead time, because in most cases the SFC250 can maintain the supply of the
fused network section for a certain period.
The SmartFuse 250 combines the following features in one device:
Intelligent monitoring of the low-voltage network
Minimised downtimes
Cable fault location with households connected
Safe installation in the distribution box
Intuitive user interface
Variable control via Touchscreen, Smartphone, Tablet, PC or remote control
Monitoring of up to three phases with one supply module
Intended use