1. Enter into the DC Tests setup screen by clicking on any of the voltage buttons next to the DC
tests listed.
2. Using this screen, you can enable or disable test types, select DC test types to include in your
testing, select specific parameters to include in your testing, or adjust testing parameters to fit
your needs.
3. You can use the default values provided, or you can modify parameters based on IEEE, EPRI,
EASA, IEC, or company standards.
4. Depending on the test types selected, other controls may appear within the screen.
Preparing For Testing
Figure 13. DC Tests setup screen.
5. If you want to use temperature correction for your DC tests, check the Temp Correction Enable
box (even if you have checked this option in the resistance test setup screen.
6. The “Run Tests” buttons near the bottom left of the screen are used to control testing during
manual testing. The Voltage and Current displays to the right show you value being measured
during testing.
7. When you have completed your setup, close the screen.
Baker AWA -IV Static Motor Analyzer