Pneumatic CyClean-R
Operating Pneumatic Control Box
The pneumatic control box has two push buttons which are used to control the movement of the pneumatic
cylinders on the CyClean-R manifold. Each button has a different function:
1. Auto Mode –When Auto Mode is activated, the button will be illuminated blue. The pneumatic control box
can be connected to the users PLC, which can be used remotely to activate the pneumatic cylinders on the
CyClean-R manifold. When in ‘auto mode’, the ‘manual mode’ button will be deactivated.
2. Manual Mode – When in Manual Mode, the CyClean-R pneumatics can be controlled by the use of the button.
When the CyClean-R pneumatics are open the button will be illuminated green. In order to close the pneumatic
cylinders, press the button again.
‘Manual mode’ button will not be effective when the control box is set to Auto Mode.