How CyClean-R Works
CyClean-R delivers consistent removal of dry, unbonded contamination from the web surface (particle removal to
0.5 micron is achievable). The process is achieved from a combination of steps:
1. The web passes through a cloud of ionisation on web entry of CyClean-R. The cloud of ionisation is created by
the 924IPS bars included, which neutralises any static charges.
2. The web is subject to a force of turbulent air created by the blowing and vacuum slots on the CyClean-R
manifold, which breaks the boundary layer on the web, loosening contamination on the surface.
3. A negative airflow then draws all the contamination away from the web, which is then filtered through the Air
Handling Unit. This results in a clean, contamination-free web surface.
4. As the web exits the CyClean-R manifold, it passes through a second cloud of ionisation, provided by the 924IPS
bar on web exit, to prevent re-contamination of the web.