Operating the CyClean-R
Before Use
Before using the CyClean-R system it is important that you have read and fully understand this manual.
Testing of the system is recommended before it is used for full production
System Setup
The net airflow into either side of the CyClean-R head is adjusted by bleeding off a volume of the blowing (positive)
airflow to create an airflow bias in favour of vacuum. Consult the AHU manual for full instructions of how to balance
the airflows.
All CyClean-R systems are tested before leaving the factory. The CyClean-R is set up so that the vacuum airflow
is 0.1kPa greater than the positive; however, this can be adjusted to achieve optimum cleaning results for the
CyClean-R web cleaner.
The best cleaning results will be achieved when the system is set to have a positive airflow into the CyClean-R head,
on both the web entry and exit sides (minimising the risk of any recontamination).
To adjust the pressure, follow the steps below:
1. Adjust the vacuum pressure using the the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ symbols on the user interface.