3.6 Parameter Configuration
The parameters and the corresponding group addresses can then be
configured as with any other KNX product. The DALI specific
configuration is performed in the DCA tab.
The actual DALI commissioning is only possible online, that means a
connection to the device is necessary. In this step, all connected ECGs
are searched and found and can then be assigned to
a certain group
After this assignment has been carried out, this special DALI
configuration must be loaded into the device. The "Download"
button is available in the DCA tab, see 4. DALI Commissioning.
In the last step, the parameters and the links to the group addresses
should be loaded into the device using normal ETS download. The
device is now ready for operation.
DALI Commissioning
Following the physical installation and wiring of the DALI ECGs and
lights and the electronic commissioning, the connected ECGs need to
be learnt-in.
To do so, please open the commissioning page in the DCA:
button to start searching devices and addressing
the “
During the process all ECGs are automatically recognized and each
ECG is assigned a short address from 0 - 63. Depending on the size of
the connected DALI segments, the process can take up to few
NOTE: During the first time installation,
make no difference in searching devices and addressing. After
an installation, the
button carries out a search for
previously addressed and unaddressed devices. Addressing for
previously addressed devices will remain unchanged. The next
available address is then assigned to devices which have been
recently added whereas
deletes all addresses and
group memberships in the devices and then readdress