Email Protection Administrator Guide
Confirm Your Inbound Servers Setup
November 2012
Proprietary: Not for use or disclosure outside McAfee without written permission
4. Set up Your Servers
This section describes how to ensure your inbound and outbound servers are set up
correctly for Email Protection.
Confirm Your Inbound Servers Setup
Email Protection filters email destined for your inbound Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) email server or servers. Your provisioner should have already defined one or
more SMTP servers in the Control Console. To confirm that these servers are defined,
perform the following steps:
Email Protection
From the domain drop-down menu on the Setup window, select the domain whose
SMTP server you want to check.
The SMTP Host Address field displays the domain name(s) or IP address(es) for the
domain’s SMTP server. In our example, domain has an SMTP
server with a domain name of
The Inbound Servers Setup window is displayed.
Ensure the SMTP server listed are valid and correct.
Ensure that all other information on the window is correct, and select
Repeat steps 2 through 4 for any other domains in your network.
Set up Additional Inbound Servers
You can configure additional inbound servers to receive inbound email from Email
Protection for the designated domain. All servers for a domain that receive inbound email
from Email Protection must be configured on the Inbound Servers Setup window.