PCI Req 6.4: Automate documentation — Displays a grouped bar chart with each bar
representing the number of benchmark results. The benchmark results are categorized by
benchmark group.
PCI Req 7: Restrict Access to Data — Displays a list of waivers currently in effect, grouped
by first-level System Tree group and classified by type of waiver.
PCI Req 8: Unique ID for each computer — Displays a list of waivers currently in effect,
grouped by first-level System Tree group and classified by type of waiver.
PCI Req 10.3, 10.5, 11.5: File Integrity Monitoring — Displays a list of waivers currently
in effect, grouped by first-level System Tree group and classified by type of waiver.
PCI Req 11.2 Run Vulnerability Scans — Displays a list of waivers currently in effect,
grouped by first-level System Tree group and classified by type of waiver.
Queries as dashboard monitors
Use any chart-based query as a dashboard that is refreshed at a user-configured frequency,
so you can use your most useful queries on a live dashboard.
Dashboards and Queries
Queries as dashboard monitors
McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6