Disable an audit
You can disable an existing audit. When an audit is disabled, McAfee Policy Auditor continues
to purge information according to the schedule you have set. The audit will not run until you
re-enable it.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Click Menu | Policy | Audits.
Select an audit, then click Actions | Edit Audit. The New Audit Builder opens.
Click Next to display the properties page.
Deselect Enable this Audit, then click Next.
The Summary page appears. Click Save.
Delete audits
You can delete an audit and all associated results and findings when you no longer need them.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Click Menu | Policy | Audits.
Select the audits you want to delete and click Delete.
Audit whiteout and blackout periods
Audit whiteout periods are time intervals when an audit can run on a system or group of systems.
Audit blackout periods are time intervals when an audit can not be run.
Audits are not scheduled. For example, consider a benchmark that was last evaluated at 5:14
p.m. on Sunday May 6th. The frequency requirement states the information should not be older
than 4 days. Blackout windows are set from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Whiteout
windows cover the remaining period.
If the benchmark is scheduled for re-evaluation during the Thursday evening whiteout window,
the frequency requirement of 4 days is calculated so the benchmark must be evaluated no later
than Thursday morning.
Audit content updates sent to the ePolicy Orchestrator server cause McAfee Policy Auditor to
run the audit at the next available whiteout period.
Agentless audits conducted by Foundstone or McAfee Vulnerability Manager do not
honor whiteout and blackout periods.
Set whiteout and blackout periods
Set whiteout and blackout periods for running audits on systems.
Creating and managing audits
Disable an audit
McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6