PA: Operations dashboard
The monitors included in this dashboard are:
PA: Unprocessed Audits Results by Audit — Displays unprocessed audit results grouped
by audit.
PA: Unprocessed Finding Results by Audit — Displays unprocessed finding results
grouped by audit.
PA: Agent Events Grouped by Event Type — Displays events reported by McAfee Policy
Auditor agent plug-in grouped by the event type.
PA:Table Space Usage — Displays the space used by each table in the ePolicy Orchestrator
database. Values are updated when the PA: Get Index and Space Statistics server task is
PA: Maintenance - Ending Index Fragmentation Compared to 30% — Display details
on index fragmentation gathered after index maintenance. Values are updated when the
PA: Maintain Database server task is run.
PA: Last Reported Index Fragmentation Level Compared to 30% — Displays the latest
index fragmentation information gathered compared to 30%. Values are updated when the
PA: Get Index and Space Statistics server task is run.
PA: PCI Summary
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) dashboard provides a high-level overview of audit results
with links and drill down access to detailed information.
PA: Compliance Summary dashboard
Some reports are grouped by PCI aggregation names. These are the PCI aggregation names:
Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration.
PCI Failed Systems Grouped By Aggregation.
Requirement 3: Protect stored data .
Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of data across public networks.
Requirement 5.1: Anti-virus software installed
Requirement 5.1: Anti-virus software up-to-date
Requirement 7: Restrict access to data
Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each computer user
Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and data
The monitors included in this dashboard are:
PA: PCI Req 1: Install & Maintain Firewall Config — Displays a pie chart grouped by
scoring category.
PCI Req 2: Do Not Use Vendor Supplied Defaults — Displays a grouped bar chart of
benchmark results, with each bar representing the number of benchmark results. The chart
is categorized by first-level System Tree group where the system status is failed or unknown.
PCI Req 4: Encrypt Transmission of Data — Displays a pie chart, grouped by benchmark
results and classified by status.
PCI Req 5: Use AV or App Whitelisting — Displays rules from audits that fail with a result
of error.
Dashboards and Queries
Policy Auditor default dashboards
McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6