Manage McAfee Vulnerability Manager credential sets
Create an Asset Discovery scan
Create an MVM Data Import task
Add systems found by McAfee Vulnerability Manager scans to the System Tree
Create a Data Collection Scan
View McAfee Vulnerability Manager scan status
Create a McAfee Vulnerability Manager workgroup
Create a McAfee Vulnerability Manager workgroup and administrator for your McAfee Policy
Auditor administrator and users.
McAfee recommends that you give the McAfee Policy Auditor administrator only the access of
a McAfee Vulnerability Manager workgroup administrator, not full access of an organization
administrator. Workgroup administrators can make changes that affect their workgroup only.
Organization administrators can make changes that affect the whole organization, including
workgroups unrelated to the McAfee Policy Auditor group.
You must perform this task in the McAfee Vulnerability Manager Enterprise Manager.
Before you begin
Before you can create a McAfee Vulnerability Manager workgroup, you must:
Install and set up McAfee Vulnerability Manager.
Create an organization.
Specify an administrator for the organization.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
From McAfee Vulnerability Manager Enterprise Manager, go to Manage | Users/Groups.
Select the organization that you have already created.
Right-click the organization and select New Workgroup.
On the General page, type the workgroup name and description, then click Next. The IP
Pool page appears.
Type the IP ranges to be used in this workgroup, then click Next. The Administrator page
Type the information for the workgroup administrator.
Click Finish.
Configure the McAfee Vulnerability Manager single sign-on feature
You can enable the McAfee Vulnerability Manager single-sign-on feature in McAfee Policy
Auditor. This gives McAfee Policy Auditor users access to portions of the McAfee Vulnerability
Manager Enterprise Manager.
Before you begin
Using single sign-on requires that you create a McAfee Vulnerability Manager workgroup.
Configuring agentless audits
Configure McAfee Vulnerability Manager and the ePolicy Orchestrator extension
McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6