Rollup reporting
You can run queries that report on summary data from multiple ePolicy Orchestrator databases.
McAfee Policy Auditor can use this feature to create rollup reports for audit results.
Rollup capabilities
Rollup reporting considerations
Rollup server tasks
Rollup reports
Configure rollup reporting
Rollup capabilities
You can roll up three types of audit information from multiple servers.
The software provides rollup capabilities for these areas of audit information:
Benchmark results
Rule results
Check results, including patches
Each of these areas is independent and any combination of the three can be rolled up. You can
include information from each of the areas because the data is related.
Rollup reporting considerations
You should carefully plan your rollup reporting configuration before implementing the feature.
Here are some issues to consider:
The volume of audit results can be substantial. Care should be given to only roll up essential
data. This is especially true for rules and checks.
The actual time to complete the initial roll up reporting run will vary based on the amount of
data in the source databases. Future runs will take less time if performed at frequent intervals.
If the sources have a large amounts of data the roll up process may take several hours to
complete. Each time the roll up server tasks are run, they appear in the Server Task Log to
show the status of the process.
When creating reports, only include data that is being rolled up. Otherwise results may not
be accurate. For example, if only rule results are being rolled up by a server task, do not
include benchmark results in the report because it will not contain data.
McAfee Policy Auditor 6.0 software Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.6