Service Bulletin
M a z d a M otor of A m erica, Inc.
7 7 5 5 Irvine C enter D rive
Irvine, California 9 2 7 1 8
T elep h on e (7 1 4 ) 7 2 7 -1 9 9 0
m a z o a
Applicable Model/s
All M o d els
Bulletin No.
T h e revised portion o f this bulletin is indicated by an asterisk (*). R eplace the original bulletin with this revised
copy. T h is bulletin w as originally released in S ept. 1 9 9 4 as C a t P, 0 0 6 /9 4 .
C ustom ers w ho complain o f vibration or pulsation in the steering w h eel, brake pedal, floor or s e a t w hile applying
th e brakes m ay be experiencing sym ptom s of brake judder. Judder is caused by:
• D isk T hickness Variation (D T V )
• rotor run-out and/or
• rotor surface rust (which leads to D T V )
T his bulletin describes th e causes and corrections for each condition.
1. D isc Thickness Variation CDTVI - D T V creates a vibration/pulsation during application of the brakes. D T V
will in crease with m ileage accum ulation if th e run-out of the disc is excessive.
2. Disc Rotor R un -O ut - Run-out, or rotor “w o b b le”, leads to D T V . It is corrected by precision machining to
bring th e run-out within specification.
3. R otor S urface R ust - U nder certain conditions (storage or use in extrem e environm ents), the surface of the
b rake rotors m ay becom e rusted in th e pad non-contact area. If this corrosion penetrates the rotor surface
deeply enough, it will not w e a r or rub off during normal use. This will cause D T V .
In order to effectively correct brake judder, rotor surfaces m ust be precisely machined. M a z d a M otor of Am erica
has evaluated both on and off-car brake lathes and has determ ined th a t on-car lathes are more precise and
greatly reduce com eback repairs.
T h e steps necessary for correction of brake ju d d er are as follows:
1. If th e vehicle is in d e a le r inventory and th e condition is rotor rust:
a. C lean the rotor surface by driving th e vehicle several miles w hile frequently, applying the brakes.
b. If vibration/pulsation is still felt, proceed to step “c”.
c. M ach in e the rotor surface enough to rem ove all rust or surface staining (generally 0 .1 m m per side).
N O T E : If m achining is perform ed, th e S ervice M a n a g e r’s signature m u s t a p p e a r on th e re p a ir o rd e r.
2 . If th e vehicle has been in service:
a. V erily custom er’s com plaint with a te s t drive.
b. if brake ju d d e r is felt, proceed to step c. If brake ju d d er is not felt, refer to the workshop m an u al or the
N V H m anual for additional troubleshooting information.
c. M a rk the fr o n t w h eel(s) and the lug nut stud with chalk. This will determ ine-the original position-of the
w h e e l to the rotor. R em ove th e fr o n t w h eel(s).
N O T E : A high majority of brake ju d d e r is due to D T V of the fr o n t ro to rs . C ustom er com plaints of brake
ju dder are most often corrected by m a c h in in g th e fr o n t ro to rs o n ly .
d. M e a s u re the rem aining front rotor thickness and run-out. D eterm in e if sufficient rotor m aterial rem ains to
allow machining. L im it: S ta te d m in im u m th ic k n e s s fo r th e m o d e l p lu s 0 .8 m m .
e. If machining can be achieved, an o n-car brake lathe is recom m ended and w ill b e re q u ire d f o r a ll w a r - .
ra n tv re p a irs a fte r J a n u a ry 1 . 1 9 9 5 to ensure a precise rotor surface.
Continued On Next Page
IM P O R T A N T : S e rv ic e a n d P a rts M a n a g e rs sh o u ld re a d th is b u lle tin c arefully, s ign a n d c o n v e y all in fo rm a tio n to th o s e c o n c e rn e d .
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Service Manager
------------- ItHtex
i 14^,7529
P arts M a n a g e r
Содержание 626 1989
Страница 90: ...4B OUTLINE COMPONENT LOCATION Input and Output Devices Solenoid valve VIC 76G04C 004 ...
Страница 92: ...4B OUTLINE Exhaust System ...
Страница 93: ...76G04C 007 ...
Страница 103: ... TROUBLESHOOTING WITH SST 4 B 76F04B 011 76F04B 012 Code No 08 Air flow sensor PC Possible Cause Next page 4B 17 ...
Страница 107: ... TROUBLESHOOTING WITH SST 4 B No 41 Code Solenoid valve Variable inertia control VIC PC Possible Cause 76G04C 034 ...
Страница 110: ...4 B SWITCH MONITOR FUNCTION Idle switch 76F04B 020 Blower switch 76F04 B 021 Headlight switch Rear defroster switch ...
Страница 188: ...C 49N0 17 201 Setting Plate 49N0 17 2Q2 Handle V 49N0 17 203 Stopper PAGE 2 OF 3 ...
Страница 648: ...Table IV Substantially Identical Kecovei onlv Equipment None approved as of this date ...
Страница 677: ...Number 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised 323 PROTEGE Page 2 of 8 ...
Страница 678: ...Number 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised MX 3 J Page 3 of 8 ...
Страница 679: ...Num ber 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised RX 7 P age 4 of 8 ...
Страница 680: ...Number 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised ...
Страница 681: ...Page 6 of 8 tt V ...
Страница 682: ...Number 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised MIATA P age 7of 8 ...
Страница 683: ...Num ber 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised NAVAJO 94 B TRUCK P age 8 of 8 ...
Страница 685: ...Number 001 94 Date Issued 2 28 94 Revised 4 28 94 Page 7of 8 ...
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Страница 697: ...Number 005 97 Date Issued 03 10 97 Revised 1989 94323 PROTEGE Page 4 of 10 ...
Страница 698: ...1995 RX 7 Page 5 of 10 ...
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Страница 701: ...Number 005 97 Date Issued 03 10 97 Revised Page 8 of 10 ...
Страница 702: ...Number 005 97 Date Issued 03 10 97 Revised 1990 93 B Series 1994 97 B Series Top F Bottom D Page 9 of 10 ...
Страница 703: ...Number 005 97 Date Issued 03 10 97 Revised Page 10 of 10 ...
Страница 711: ...Protege 1989 94 Protege 1995 MX 3 1992 96 RX 7 1993 96 ...
Страница 712: ......
Страница 713: ......
Страница 714: ...Millenia 1995 High Side J Low Side K ...
Страница 720: ...Figure 8 MX 6 626 A C System Figure 9 B Series A C System Pace 3 of 4 ...
Страница 721: ...Figure 12 323 Protege AtC System Page 4 of 4 ...
Страница 726: ...1 ASSEMBLY TIMING BELT TIMING BELT To que Specifications i 1 25 1 75 m kg 109 152 in tbl 1 7 2 69G D 1B160 ...
Страница 736: ...MEMO if A R FRONT SUSPENSION DOUBLE WISHBONE R 22 3 1989 B2200 B2600i Revised 5 91 New page ...
Страница 740: ...B ______________ ASSEMBLY TIMING BELT TIMING BELT 69G 01B160 B 66 ...
Страница 748: ...R FRONT SUSPENSION DOUBLE WISHBONE MEMO i 4 R 22 3 1990 02200 B2600I Revised 5 91 New page ...
Страница 762: ...R FRONT SUSPENSION DOUBLE WISHBONE MEMO 4 R 22 3 1991 B2200 B2600i Revised 5 91 New page ...
Страница 768: ... 1989 626 MX 6 50 96 Revised B 91 ...