Flow Indicator Totaliser 1006H
REF NO: m16Aom101
Issue No: 03
User Manual
5.1 Mounting Details
Mounting Method
: Panel Mounting
Panel cut-out:
92.00 mm X 44.00 mm
5.2 Mounting Steps
Following steps should be followed for proper installation of the instrument.
Mount the instrument in the panel cutout of 92mm x 42mm.
Fix the instrument with the panel using two side brackets.
All the electrical connections to be done at back panel on screw type terminals
Make sure that no wire is connected loosely to avoid generation of spark and RFI. Before
connecting the mains, check the mains configuration on the back panel.
Ensure that the instrument is properly earthed.
Check voltage between earth and neutral terminal. It should be less than 2 volts AC. If this
voltage is greater than it results in unstable reading. In such a case use ISOLATION
TRANSFORMER to provide mains to the instrument.