When you touch the display they become visible again. It will give you a more clean view of what
you are working on when icons are hidden.
Reverse quick keys
Menu > Display > Reverse quick keys
This feature places the quick keys to the right of the menu button. It makes it more convenient to
log points from the right-hand side of the screen without having to visually locate the point logging
Transparent surfaces
Menu > Display > Transparent surfaces
Hide the surfaces to be able to see lines and points beneath them.
Note: Surfaces with textures will not be transparent.
Warning: Reference selection is not visible when transparent surface is enabled.
Dark theme
Menu > Display > Dark theme
By default, the machine control system has the ‘Dark theme’ enabled, which is great at night time
or when working in dimmed conditions. It’s recommended to disabled this feature when working in
a bright environment, especially while working in direct sunlight, when staking out points outside
the cabin, etc.
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS